Kazuyoshi Hisano, Feedforward Developer, CEO Coach, Public Speaker, Entrepreneur
Kazuyoshi Hisano empowers senior executives and top-performing athletes to transform their desired future into tangible reality. Drawing on advanced cognitive science, he helps individuals unlock their aspirations and achieve meaningful goals. Hisano serves as President and CEO of Connoway Inc., Representative Director of the Feedforward Association, and Vice President of the Cognitive Coaching Association. He also lectures in cognitive psychology at Temple University, acts as a representative partner of K.O.H. LLC, and represents The CEO Magazine in Japan.
Born in 1974, Hisano’s global upbringing spans childhood in San Francisco and formative school years in London. He later earned his degree in Economics from the University of Tokyo and an MBA in International Business from Tsukuba University. After launching his first business upon graduation, he gained experience at large foreign-affiliated companies and innovative ventures before founding Connoway Co.
Today, Hisano’s coaching methods guide corporate leaders and elite athletes worldwide, blending cultural insight with cutting-edge performance strategies. An accomplished author, his works include CEO Coaching (Nikkei Publishing Inc.), Gold Vision (PHP Institute), and Feed Forward: Nurturing Employees Who Always Produce Results (Forest Publishing), reflecting his commitment to unlocking human potential and fostering sustainable success.
久野和禎(ひさのかずよし):フィードフォワード開発者、CEOコーチ、講演家、起業家 コノウェイ株式会社 代表取締役社長 一般社団法人フィードフォワード協会 代表理事 一般社団法人コグニティブコーチング協会 副代表 テンプル大学講師(認知心理学)/合同会社K.O.H 代表社員/The CEO Magazine 日本代表 1974年生まれ。東京大学経済学部卒。筑波大学MBA(International Business専攻) 幼少期をサンフランシスコ(アメリカ)、中学高校生時代をロンドン(イギリス)で過ごす。 大学卒業後に起業。複数の外資系大企業、ベンチャー企業を経てコノウェイ株式会社を創業。 国内外で大企業社長、中小企業社長、一流スポーツ選手などトッププレーヤーに対してコーチングを実施。 著書:『CEOコーチング』(日本経済新聞出版社)、『ゴールドビジョン』(PHP研究所)、『いつも結果を出す部下に育てるフィードフォワード』(フォレスト出版) 他多数
Simple ways to look to the future