TEDxSuginami 2025 Speaker:Rie Geale

ギール里映 食べかた研究家
Rie Geale,Dietary Lifestyle Specialist,CEO of Tenpu Inc

Born in Kyoto, currently living in Tokyo.Married to a British husband and son.Born as the third generation in a Kyoto-based family of kyo-ryori (Kyoto cuisine) chefs.At the age of 42, Rie transitioned from being a full-time housewife to an entrepreneur. In an effort to improve her infertility, which doctors had given up on, she explored various methods including Traditional Chinese Medicine, medicinal cooking, yoga, Ayurveda, macrobiotics, molecular nutrition, and cellular environmental studies. Despite trying to improve her diet, her lack of cooking skills made it difficult to achieve success. As a result, she developed a method for effective eating called “Tabetore Meal Method”®️, which can produce results even for those who are not good at cooking. She established a general incorporated association to promote the method.Rie realized that traditional food education and meal restrictions often involved too many prohibitions, expensive natural ingredients, and complex cooking procedures, which were not well-suited to Japan’s current society, where dual-income households are the norm. Therefore, she researched simple and delicious cooking methods. Her method spread nationwide as the “Eating Style that Unleashes Children’s Talents,” and her newsletter has over 40,000 subscribers.The association has trained 300 instructors nationwide and held courses and seminars for more than 20,000 participants.Success stories include children diagnosed with developmental disabilities who passed their first-choice middle school exams, a junior athlete selected for an Olympic skiing event, children who could not sit still gaining focus, and IQ scores increasing by 30 points. Additionally, children with extreme picky eating habits who could only eat one type of food improved, long-standing issues like atopic dermatitis were alleviated, and symptoms of hay fever disappeared. Parents also experienced improvements, such as overcoming obesity and metabolic syndrome, resulting in overall positive changes for entire families.In 2023, she launched a project FEA (Female Entrepreneur Association) to support working women by promoting female entrepreneurs, advocating for their social participation and media exposure. The project aims to help working women, including single and working mothers, become more active in society. In 10 months since launch it holds more than 1800 members.Rie wants to show her son the vibrant and shining image of a mother who lives life to the fullest, and she hopes to inspire more women to do the same. She continues to actively share her message through newsletters and social media.Her books include:”5 Minutes a Day! In Just 2 Weeks, Children Will Change! The Ultimate Diet to Unleash Your Child’s Abilities” (Japan Management Association Management Center)”2-Step Recipes to Unlock Your Child’s Talents” (Sanctuary Publishing)

京都生まれ、東京在住。イギリス人の夫、息子の三人家族。京都の京料理家の家に三代目として生まれる。42歳のときに専業主婦から起業。医者が匙を投げるほどの不妊を改善するため、東洋医学、薬膳、ヨガ、アーユルヴェーダ、マクロビオティック、分子栄養学、細胞環境学などさまざまな学びをして食事改善を試みるも、料理が下手すぎてなかなかうまくいかなかった。しかそそのため、どんなに料理が下手でも効果がでる食べ方「食べトレ食事法」®️を考案し一般社団法人を立ち上げ協会化する。従来の食育や食事制限は、食べてはいけないという規制が多かったり、また効果な自然食材が必要だったり、料理の手間暇がかかったりと、今の共働き世代が中心となる日本の社会事情にそぐわないと判断し、簡単で美味しくなる調理法を研究。そのメソッドは「子どもの才能を開花する食べ方」として全国に広がり、メルマガへは通算4万人以上が登録。協会では全国に300名のインストラクターを育成し2万人以上に講座やセミナーを開催。発達障害と診断されていた子どもが中学受験で第一志望に合格したり、オリンピックのスキー種目でジュニア選手に選抜される、じっとしていられなかった子が落ち着き、IQテストの数値が30上がるなど、子どもたちの能力が目に見えて変化しただけでなく、1種類の食べ物しか食べられない極度の偏食が改善したり、長年悩んでいたアトピーが改善、花粉症の症状が出なくなるなど、食や体の悩みを手放す親子が続出。子どもたちだけでなく、親の肥満やメタボも解消されるなど、家族全体に変化をもたらした。また、働く女性を応援するべく、2023年には女性起業家協業プロジェクトを立ち上げ、女性起業家の社会進出、メディアへの露出を促し、シングルマザーやワーキングマザーを含む、働く女性たちがより社会で活躍できるように活動している。生き生きと輝く母の姿を生まれてきてくれた息子に魅せていきたい。またそのような女性が増えることを願い、日々メルマガやSNSを通じて精力的に発信している。著書に「1日5分! たった2週間で子どもが変わる! 子どもの能力を引き出す最強の食事」(日本能率協会マネジメントセンター )「子どもの才能を引き出す2ステップレシピ」(サンクチュアリ出版)


Let’s talk about the reality of Japanese food 


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